Best Decision Making Quotes
Here is the list of some of the best and famous quotes on decision making. These wise words will surely motivate you while making any decision including making hard decision in life.
Our choices in life define who we are. Smart decisions are the triumphs of judgment while bad decisions are opportunities to learn from and rectify our strategy. The way to be better at making good decisions is to learn from your own experience, not repeat the same mistakes again, and learn from others who have faced similar challenges.

Top 10 Decision Making Quotes
- Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Decision-making is a crucial life skill, and one that must be honed and practiced. — Tony Robbins
- You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. —Maya Angelou
- The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want (Make decision).— Ben Stein
- Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made, nothing happens.... Decision is the courageous facing of issues, knowing that if they are not faced, problems will remain forever unanswered.— Wilfred A. Peterson
- An executive is a person who always decides; sometimes he decides correctly, but he always decides. — John H. Patterson
- Great decision-making comes from the ability to create the time and space to think rationally and intelligently about the issue at hand. — Graham Allcot
- Be willing to make decisions. That's the most important quality in a good leader.—General George S. Patton
- Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision. — Anthony Robbins
- Decision making and problem solving are not the same. To solve a problem, one needs to find a solution. To make a decision, one needs to make a choice.— Michael J. Marx
Famous and Inspiring Decision Making Quotes and Sayings
Making decisions can occasionally feel overwhelming or confusing since we have so many options and opinions. Sometime we feel overburdened and want to avoid making hard decisions. If you are reading this, you will surely be inspired and motivated in your decision making process. Check below some of the most popular & inspirational quotes about making decision.

Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those who make them.
Dan Brown
Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Success or failure depend on the decisions you make and the path you choose. You are responsible for your future.
Remez Sasson
The best decision-makers are those who can balance intuition with analysis.
All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last.
Marcel Proust
A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.
Chinese Proverb
I hate to see things done by halves. If it be right, do it boldly,--if it be wrong leave it undone.
Bernard Gilpin
When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons.
Sigmund Freud
Your decision to be, have and do something out of the ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else.
Brian Tracy
You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.
Joel Osteen
Never make a decision when you are upset, sad, jealous or in love.
Mario Teguh
Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: we are what we chose to be.
Graham Brown
Decision-making is about weighing options and choosing the best path.
If you have a decision to make, list down the pain points of doing it and the pleasures of doing it.
Romuald Andrade
When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision.
Lord Falkland
It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.
Elbert Hubbard
Life is a chess match. Every decision that you make has a consequence to it.
P.K. Subban
The best time to make decisions is when you're calm and clear-headed.
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Sometimes you make the right decision; sometimes you make the decision right.
Phil McGraw
Life's decisions are made in seconds, but the consequences take years.
Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.
Malcolm Gladwell
My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are cheap; you make them because they're right.
Theodore Hesburgh
Visionary decision-making happens at the intersection of intuition and logic.
Paul O’Brien
Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will soon render it easy and agreeable.
We must give lengthy deliberation to what has to be decided once and for all.
Publilius Syrus
You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can't lead to a good conclusion.
Julian Assange
We can't retract the decisions we've made, we can only affect the decisions we're going to make from here.
Jamie Foxx
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take and the decisions we waited to make.
Also Check: Quotes about decision
Motivating Decision Making Quotes and Sayings
Here is the collection of quotes and wise words that will motivate you in making decision. Start taking the right choices and make your live a life of greatness.

Make and be confident in your own decisions. Stop looking for people’s approval for everything. Live your life and do what you want.
Decision making is power. Most people don’t have the guts to make ‘tough decision’ because they want to make the ‘right decision’ and so they make ‘no decision’. Remember, live is short, so do things that matter the most and have the courage to make ‘tough decision’ and to chase your dreams.
Yama Mubtakeraker
In times of very important decision-making, you must become a much different person from yourself: You must be much more meticulous, much more careful, much more foresighted, much deeper; if you can be that, your decision will be very accurate!
Mehmet Murat ildan
You cannot make progress without making decisions.
Jim Rohn
Every decision brings with it some good, some bad, some lessons, and some luck. The only thing that’s for sure is that indecision steals many years from many people who wind up wishing they’d just had the courage to leap.
Doe Zantamata
Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.
Keri Russell
Not making a decision means forgoing an opportunity.
Auliq Ice
You have the power to make decisions that change your life.
Some of our important choices have a time line. If we delay a decision, the opportunity is gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keep us from making a choice that involves change. Thus an opportunity may be missed.
James E. Faust
We develop new confidence in problem solving, decision making, creativity, and communication when we expand our comfort zones.
Pep Talk Radio, LinguaVerse: A Journey through Language Realms
A major life decision is never a choice but rather a realization that the decision has already been made.
Doug Cooper
Your legacy is being written by yourself. Make the right decisions.
Gary Vaynerchuk
Anybody can do just about anything with himself that he really wants to and makes up his mind to do. We are capable of greater things than we realize.
Norman Peale
The best decision-makers are those who are willing to take risks.
You can't let fear or insecurity hold you back from making decisions.
Robert Kiyosaki
Time plays a role in almost every decision. And some decisions define your attitude about time.
John Cale
Quotes on Good Decision Making
Here is a collection of quotes and saying about making good decision that can be helpful to stay inspired and avoid making any wrong choices.

A good decision starts with short-term pain and ends with long-term benefits.
Maxime Lagacé
The chief enemy of good decisions is a lack of sufficient perspectives on a problem.
Alain de Botton
One good wish changes nothing. But one good decision changes everything. Your power to choose, to make a good decision, spells the difference between wishing and making real life changes.
Steve Goodier
Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.
When you're feeling lost, take heart. It's just your brain gathering the information it needs to make good decisions.
Josh Kaufman
The two biggest barriers to good decision making are your ego and your blind spots. Together, they make it difficult for you to objectively see what is true about you and your circumstances and to make the best possible decisions by getting the most out of others.
Ray Dalio
You must trust yourself to make good decisions.
You know, sometimes you've got to trust the people you love. You've got to trust that if they're good people, they'll make good decisions.
Janette Rallison
The key to success is to make good decisions.
The key to making good decisions is to have experience.
The key to getting experience is to make bad decisions.
Don’t mourn over your bad decisions. Just start overcoming them with good ones.
Joyce Meyer
Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.
Joe Rogan
I try to make good decisions as decisions come up.
Ashton Kutcher
When possible make the decisions now, even if action is in the future. A reviewed decision usually is better than one reached at the last moment.
You can tell how good someone is at making decisions by how much time they have. Busy people spend a lot of time correcting poor decisions, so they don’t have time to make good decisions. Good decisions need good thinking, and that requires time.
Shane Parrish
On an important decision one rarely has 100% of the information needed for a good decision no matter how much one spends or how long one waits. And, if one waits too long, he has a different problem and has to start all over. This is the terrible dilemma of the hesitant decision maker.
Robert K. Greenleaf
When you get to that level, it's not a matter of talent anymore - because all the players are so talented - it's about preparation, about playing smart and making good decisions. If I don't believe it, then they don't need me on the court. I've just got to believe that in my heart.
Allen Iverson
The key to good decision making is evaluating the available information - the data - and combining it with your own estimates of pluses and minuses. As an economist, I do this every day.
Emily Oster
Short Quotes on Making Decision
The list of short one-line simple phrase and quotes that contains deep meaning to change our day, or even our life. Check these decision making short quotes to make good choices in life.
We are the sum of the decisions we make.
D.C. Hyden
Decision-making involves evaluation and choice.
Herbert Simon
A decision made at night may be changed in the morning.
Samoan Proverb
Decision-making is a choice between alternatives.
Kenneth E. Boulding
The more alternatives, the more difficult the choice.
Abbe' D'Allanival
Decision-making requires patience and reflection.
Decision-making involves both logic and intuition.
Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny.
Bob Marley
The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.
George Eliot
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
Decision-making is about choosing what's important.
Decision-making requires taking calculated risks.
Decision-making is a skill that can be developed.
Decision-making requires confidence.
Decision-making is an art, not a science.
It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
Decision-making is not about being right; it's about being committed.Conclusion:
Decision-making quotes can help not only for inspiration, motivation, but also guidance and wisdom, personal growth, improvement in decision-making skills, less stress during making decision, leadership and team management. Above messages and quotations on decision-making can assist you in choosing the best choices for your career, relationships, family, business, or any other aspect of your life.
Have any message, quote, tips to add? Share in the comments!
(Updated on 23 Sep. 2024)
True inspirational decision making quotes.
Thank you for share :)
To understand the importance of decision making, one must first know what decision making is.
Decision making is defined as "the process of making choices among competing courses of action." (Decision making quote)-Unknown
Thanks for sharing these inspiring quotes and famous sayings on making of decision. Very Helpful...
Very good quotations on decision making. Motivating and inspiring!
This is best collection of real inspiring and Motivating Quotes on Decision making.
Thank you for sharing!
Love it... inspirational decision making quotes and sayings.
“Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you.”― David Gemmell
I think when one is confused during making decision, these inspirational quotes on decision making can give the confidence.
Agree :)
We can be motivated, inspired, and forced to think by considering the sayings on decision making made by others. We can reflect on our own thoughts and feelings and obtain new ideas that will surely help us in making better decision. These quotes are helpful.